Entry Level Mechanical Engineering job description

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Persons working on Entry Level Mechanical Engineering sector are responsible for performing routine duties that require application and knowledge of basic engineering principles. They design, develop, and test a wide variety of facilities, equipment, components, systems, and products for industrial and commercial purposes. These specialists also participate in the generation of schedules, proposals, budgets, and scopes on mechanical engineering work, including piping, fixed, and rotating equipment.

Entry Level Mechanical Engineering specialists usually perform many of the following tasks:
• Performing stress analyses.
• Coordinating equipment repair.
• Using computer-assisted design and engineering applications.
• Participating in meetings with clients.
• Surveying facilities.


• Being versatile.
• Having strong management skills.
• Being able to resolve complex problems.
• Having good communication skills.
• Being able to adapt to the technological changes.
• Having IT skills.
• Being able to use certain tools such as machine mounts and flow meters.
• Having time management skills.
• Being detail oriented.
• Having proficiency in MS Office and Autocad.


Applicants for Entry Level Mechanical Engineering need to have a Bachelor´s or Master´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from universities or colleges accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology. Students at high schools who want to work in this field in the future are encouraged to take courses in calculus, biology, algebra, chemistry, and physics. License is granted to applicants having a Bachelor´s Degree related to this field, passing a state examination, and possessing four years of experience as a mechanical engineering.

Overview According to our data, these are the percent of job offers for entry level mechanical engineering.

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