Recruiter job description

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Recruiters often visit schools and colleges to get outstanding students interested in working for their company. They assess the talent in other companies as well. Due to the nature of their job, they are expected to be excellent communicators and negotiators. Many of their tasks involve speaking to, assessing and convincing people.
The job of a Recruiter also involves travelling. On many days they visit schools, colleges, and places that have job fairs. These professionals may spend little time in an office setting comparable to other business professionals. They may also conduct presentations about the services that their company provides and how interested persons can work there. They receive good remuneration and benefits.
A Recruiter usually performs many of the following tasks:
• Negotiating salary and other employee benefits
• Scouting
• Conducting presentations at trade and job fairs
• Marketing job positions
• Calling up prospective employees
• Networking with education administrators
• Traveling to different locations


Expertise in the following areas is an asset:
•  Communication and listening
• Business awareness
• Time management
• Professionalism
• Being discreet and loyal
• Being amicable, respectful and focused
• Problem solving
• Being multi-lingual
• Information technology
• Interviewing and report writing
•  Identifying skilled professionals
• Being flexible and thorough


There are a number of degrees that can help interested persons become Recruiters. Often recruiters have Human Resource Management, Psychology or similar specializations. However, their knowledge of different careers should be extensive. With the job competitiveness in today’s job market it is best for Recruiters to complete a Bachelors Degree and even as high as or higher than a Masters Degree or MBA. Courses of interest to becoming a Recruiter include:
•    Management
•    Industrial Relations
•    Organizational Behavior
•    Public Relations
•    International Business
•    Finance
•    Human Resources Management
•    Labor Law

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