Occupational Therapist job description

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Occupational Therapists are required to help patients to improve their ability to perform tasks in different environments. These professionals work with people who suffer emotionally, mentally, developmentally, or physically disabling conditions. They need to improve basic motor functions of their patients, including reasoning abilities. These therapists apply physical exercises in order to increase dexterity and strength of certain patient’s limbs.

Occupational Therapists usually perform many of the following tasks:
• Examining patient´s cases.
• Helping client´s to perform daily tasks.
• Reviewing patient´s habits.
• Conducting interventions.
• Rehabilitating disabled people.


• Being patient.
• Having good IT skills.
• Being able to motivate patients.
• Having excellent interpersonal skills.
• Being analytical.
• Having a true desire to help others.
• Being positive.
• Having awareness about safety.
• Being responsible.
• Having good written and verbal communication skills.


People who want to be Occupational Therapists need to have a post-baccalaureate degree from an accredited University, College, or equivalent institutions. A Master´s Degree or higher in Occupational Therapy are the minimum requirements to entry to this sector. People working on this area must attend an academic program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Occupation Therapy Education and pass the National Certifying Exam. There are full-time and part-time programs for this area, including coursework in occupation therapy programs with biological, physical, and behavioral sciences, and occupational therapy skills and theory. Candidates who want to work in this sector should take High School courses in chemistry, physics, health, art, biology, and social sciences.

Certification for this sector is voluntary and it is offered by The National Board for Certifying Occupational Therapy. People who pass this exam obtain the title Occupational Therapist Registered.

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