Medical Technologist job description

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Medical Technologists are required to conduct diagnostic laboratory tests to detect, analyze, and treat medical conditions. They use a wide variety of instruments to perform their duties including chemicals, microscopes, precision tools, and computers. They may work in different areas such as environmental chemistry, serology, toxicology, cytology, hematology, nuclear medicine, immunochemistry, urinalysis, among other subjects. These professionals may work at universities, public health laboratories, and research companies.

Medical Technologists usually perform many of the following tasks:
• Examining elements of the immune system.
• Operating equipment.
• Training new personnel.
• Collecting laboratory data.
• Interpreting laboratory tests.


• Having awareness of medical technology.
• Being able to instruct efficiently.
• Having normal color vision.
• Being able to work with different technical equipment.
• Having high attention to details.
• Being able to work under pressure.
• Having good written and verbal communication skills.
• Having problem solving skills.
• Being self-motivated.
• Having interpersonal skills.


Candidates for Medical Technologist jobs are required to have a Bachelor´s Degree from an accredited university or college including coursework in medical technology, chemistry, microbiology, biology or a related subject. Suitable programs for this field are also offered by universities and hospitals, such as training schemes. Some employers required professionals having certifications offered by the American Medical Technologists, the Board of Registry of the American Association of Bioanalysts, the Board of Registry of the American Society of Clinical Pathology, and the National Credentialing Agency.

Overview According to our data, these are the percent of job offers for medical technologist.

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