Nursing Home Administrator job description

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Nursing Home Administrators are required to manage the dealings of nursing homes and related facilities. These professionals team up with other staff members such as doctors, accountants, physicians, nurses, human resource specialists, among other related personnel. They supervise clinical and administrative affairs, and oversee financial matters, medical care, staff, medical equipments, facilities, and other duties related to home care management. They also develop budgets and approve general capital expenses for the institution progress.

Nursing Home Administrators usually perform many of the following tasks:
• Controlling recruitment process.
• Monitoring building maintenance.
• Ensuring the well being of every resident.
• Supervising other staff members.
• Conducting meetings.


• Having math skills.
• Having good communication skills.
• Having leadership skills.
• Having knowledge about financial topics.
• Having organization skills.
• Having IT skills.
• Having good analytical skills.
• Being reliable and trustworthy.
• Being self-motivated and proactive.
• Having decision-making skills.


Persons who want to be Nursing Home Administrators are required to have Post-Secondary Education, a license, and related work experience. It is recommended that candidates for these jobs also have a Bachelor´s or Master´s degree related to this field in order to have better job opportunities. Specific requirements for these posts vary according to companies and states, but in many cases applicants must have a four-year Bachelor´s Degree in Public Administration or Health Services Administration. Other higher level positions demand candidates having a two-year Master´s Degree in the same field. These programs include courses in health behavior, nursing home administrative practices, aging and long-term care, gerontology, among other topics.

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