Administrator job description

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Legal Administrators have a number of duties including managing administrative duties. They typically work in law firms, agencies and consultancy offices handling the day to day responsibilities, and managing the intrinsic systems that allow that business to run smoothly. Some administrators, in larger firms, are assigned to a partner of a legal team, taking care of any calls, files or research that is needed.

Administrators may manage several key areas. These include:

• Finance
• Systems
• Human resource
• Facilities
• Operations
• Practice
• Marketing

They responsibilities will vary, depending on the organization in which they work; however Insurance Administrators will have general ledger accounting, tax planning, tax reporting, financial management, forecasting, profitability analysis or payroll responsibilities. It is important that they manage their operational responsibilities successfully, conducting tasks such as claims processing, and managing insurance records.

An Administrator usually performs many of the following tasks:

• Assessing and managing risks
• Working with other professionals
• Giving insurance recommendations
• Processing insurance claims
• Supporting legal teams in administration
• Doing clerical duties
• Managing internal and external communiqué
• Proofreading documents


Expertise in the following areas is an asset:

• Mathematical and numeric data
• Information technology, knowing how to manipulate a computer
• Planning and prioritizing
• Being meticulous, carefully checking data
• Oral and written communication
• Customer service and relations
• Handling management and administrative responsibilities
• Handling telephone communications
• Teamwork, contributing to group activities
• Being self motivated and able to work on own initiative
• Being professional and courteous at all times


The information and training you receive as a Legal Administrator is very important. This knowledge is integral in being able to complete your work successfully. Training can be done in areas such as Marketing, Human Resources, Business Administration, and Technology. Having foundational understanding of law and legal organizations is also important. Throughout your career you will gain experience and should also pursue legal certifications such as a Certified Legal Manager (CLM) designation or that in Paralegal studies.

Insurance Administrators will need to have qualification in areas such as Commerce, Accounting, Economics, Mathematics, Statistics, Finance or Technology.

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