Executive Chef job description

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Executive Chefs are responsible for directing a kitchen of many cooks to work under their orders. They may work from small restaurants to large industrial kitchens where they lead a large number of chefs. These professionals need to spot issues and solve them efficiently and immediately. They usually train new staff members, assign tasks, order supplies, and plan meals.

Executive Chefs usually perform many of the following tasks:
• Creating reports for the establishment.
• Estimating food consumption.
• Approving dishes.
• Creating new recipes.
• Coordinating kitchen duties.


• Having excellent organizational skills.
• Being responsible and trustworthy.
• Having high attention to details.
• Being able to work efficiently and quickly.
• Having good personal hygiene.
• Being able to plan and modify menus.
• Having excellent written and verbal communication skills.
• Being able to maintain a variety of records.
• Having leadership skills.
• Being able to supervise other staff members


Applicants for Executive Chef jobs are required to have a Vocational School Course in Business Administration and Business Arithmetic. Candidates for this area should also take a training program in hotel management in order to specialize in various fields of cooking, food presentation, food designing, among other subjects. Summer workshops and job training are offered by many school districts in order to provide suitable experience for candidates. Culinary Schools are other good options for people who want to work in this business, because candidates can obtain skills in menu creation, kitchen management, and cooking.

Overview According to our data, these are the percent of job offers for executive chef.

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