Entry Level Remote Jobs Forum

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  • entry level jobs from home/ remote Last updated by denisehilton: Dec 26, 2018

    Hello , I’ll finish university this May and I am already working about what am I going to do next. I want to start working and then we’ll see if I want to study something else. I am looking for a job I could do remotely and try that for a while. I know working from home isn’t easy because on top of that it’d be an entry level job… but I want to try it I think I’d be really happy working at home, much more productive and would have more time for myself because I wouldn’t spend time on the commute. Do you know what kinds of job positions would I be able to do? Hugs, Miranda

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    • TO Miranda;
      You forgot to tell us in what field your degree is in. But I’ve been looking it up on the internet for the last three months because I’m also looking for a position similar to yours but in a field in specific. The job titles that appear the most are Web designer, web content writer and customer service. They are all in the same field pretty much. I don’t know what are you looking for exactly but if you look it up on Google there are a bunch of lists that you could check out.

      Dec 19, 2017 Reply to Zach
    • I suggest looking at https://www.webemployed.com. They regularly share companies that hire remote workers in all sorts of fields. Do give it a try.

      Dec 26, 2018 Reply to denisehilton
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