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Waterbury (nicknamed the "Brass City") is a city in New Haven County, Connecticut, on the Naugatuck River, 33 miles (53 km) southwest of Hartford and 77 miles (124 km) northeast of New York City. As of 2010 Census Bureau estimates, the city had a total population of 110,366 and is the ninth largest city in New England, the fifth-largest city in Connecticut and the second largest city in New Haven County.Throughout the first half of the 20th century Waterbury had large industrial interests and was the leading center in the United States for the manufacture of brassware (including castings and finishings), as reflected in the nickname the "Brass City" and the city's motto Quid Aere Perennius? ("What Is More Lasting Than Brass?"), which echoes the Latin of Horace's Ode 3.30. It was noted for the manufacture of watches and clocks. Provided by Wikipedia More Info


The city's schools are operated by Waterbury Public Schools under the leadership of superintendent Dr. David L. Snead and a board of education that consists of ten elected members and the city mayor, who acts as the chairman ex-officio.The four public high schools in Waterbury are Crosby, Kennedy, Waterbury Arts Magnet and Wilby High Schools. Private high schools include Chase Collegiate (formerly... More Info

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