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  • Help! I have an interview! c# developer looking for a job Last updated by luca: Nov 21, 2017

    Hello everyone, I’m looking for a c# developer role, and in the best scenario I’d like it to be remote, but I feel that is going to be harder. Anyway, I have never done an interview regarding c#. Could you give me some advice? Have you ever done a c# interview? If so could you give me some examples? If you are the one that interviews you can also help me. Feel free to ask the worst questions you ever asked in an interview like this. Thanks in advance!

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    • Hey dude , well last week I had an interview myself and thankfully I got the job! Yay! That means the interview didn’t go bad at all. They asked me stuff like ; what is c#? what is an object? What is managed or unmanaged code? What is boxing and unboxing? And stuff like that. If you want to know my answer in any of these questions let me know but now you can see the style of questions I had to work with. Hope this helps!

      Nov 21, 2017 Reply to greysonD#V
    • Hello there , In my case they asked what is enum in c# and what is the difference between ref and out keywords, But don’t worry. If you are looking for this job is because you know all this stuff , maybe you should check you use all the specific vocabulary and such to make sure they feel you know what you’re talking about but that is about it. Hope this is useful!

      Nov 21, 2017 Reply to luca
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