Retail Duty Store Manager job description

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Generally, Retail Duty Store Managers handle and manage all the responsibilities attached to running a store. They recruit, hire, train and evaluate sales staff. Managers also create, review and maintain budget expenditure. They network and negotiate with retailers, suppliers, designers and manufacturers about stocks and pricing.
A Retail Duty Store Manager usually performs many of the following tasks:
• Handling store operations
• Recruiting and training staff
• Drafting in-house communications
• Implementing sales strategies
• Managing Health and Safety requirements
• Doing cost management
• Resolving interpersonal conflicts among staff members
• Preparing budgets
• Meeting sales targets
• Meeting with clients
• Reviewing sales reports
•  Reviewing competitor performance and market reports


• Written and verbal communication
• Leadership and motivation
• People and time management
• Organization and administration
• Being analytical and responsible
• Managing teams
• Recruiting and coaching staff
• Customer service
• Being discrete and decisive
• Mentoring and supervising
• Being organized and amicable


Retail Duty Store Managers often have a Bachelors or Masters Degree. They pursue their studies in Business Management, Administration, Sales, Retail Management, Marketing, Advertising, Economics, Strategic Management or Accounting. The qualifications that professionals bring to this position vary. However, employers are more concerned with the aptitude and knowledge Retail Duty Store Managers bring to their job.

Overview According to our data, these are the percent of job offers for retail duty store manager.

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