Nursery Assistant job description

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Nursery Assistants are required to help other staff members at medical facilities and transport patients from one place to another. They also prepare patients for surgical procedures by shaving or draping them. These workers assist patients any time they need thanks to an alarm device, for instance, in cases when they require an extra pillow. They help registered nurses at health clinics, nursing homes, hospitals, and other health facilities.

Nursery Assistants usually perform many of the following tasks:
• Assisting patients.
• Charting patient records.
• Moving patients from one location to another in a hospital.
• Helping registered nurses.
• Keeping patients´ rooms clean.


• Being able to perform different tasks at the same time.
• Having high attention to details.
• Being friendly.
• Having good communication skills.
• Being organized.
• Having knowledge about medical procedures.
• Being emotionally healthy.
• Having interpersonal skills.
• Being able to work under pressure.
• Having teamwork skills.


Persons who want to work as Nursery Assistants are just required to have a basic level of education including a High School Diploma or equivalent qualifications. Experience is a valuable point for many employers, so it is recommended to have a suitable background in patient´s care. Workers of this field can have training programs offered by training institutes and community colleges in order to obtain skills and knowledge needed for these jobs.

Overview According to our data, these are the percent of job offers for nursery assistant.

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